The daydream was over in less than a second. As the bravado, confidence, and power that it brought faded, I glanced nervously between the poised tanks.
All I wanted to do was get to work.
Neither tank looked like it was pointing anything at me. Now was a good time to leave.
I tried to get up calmly, dusting off my pants and picking up my bag. That done, I turned around and noticed a small cinderblock building. Get behind that, wait out the firefight, pray the bus isn't collateral damage. Good plan. Now, to walk slowly, with commanding confidence...
By my third step I was running.
As I neared the structure, I risked a glance over my shoulder --- and the world exploded, knocking me flat. In the ensuing chaos of ringing ears, roaring engines, and desperate scrambling to something like safety, exactly one thing was clear in my mind...
I'm going to be late to work again.