Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Final Exit

That sounds incredibly deep and of great import.

It's not.

It's just that I was afraid of my Mathematical Proofs class final, as I hadn't done any homework the last two weeks of class and we covered a topic that still kinda confuses me--delta epsilon proofs. I crammed for an hour prior. It seemed hopeless; I'd done well on previous tests, but the sheer volume of material and the emphasis on this last concept worried me. I forced myself to complete a d-e proof end-to-end. It was a simple one for a wee little linear function.

Lo and behold, as promised by the professor, it was on the test. Only it was a quadratic this time. After some finagling and tweaking, I found a workable delta. I even had time to double check it. All the other proofs weren't terribly worrisome either: even the inductive proof was straight induction and algebra.

I says to me, "Self, you oughta be proud of yourself. You did great. You had an answer for every question; one that felt right, even!" "Well," says I, "pride is dumb. I'll be humbled in a minute here when I see my multiple-choice score. Some of those were tricky and I'm not the best at details." "Well, self, you'll see."

Down the stairs, out the door. Pause, assess high-load layout and traffic patterns, shuffle over and look at the score monitor.

"You? 100%"



Erm, :D

Who do I tell?

Meh. Nobody.

I could blog about it...

Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!one!!!!!!!!!

Eat that final final from the semester of internal pwnage and panzerfication! I can prove stuff!

Now you've shared in that happy moment. :D


  1. HAHAHAHA! You ate that final for breakfast! You rock, Kunkee.
    By the way... glad to see you posted... again... finally... :) :) :) :)
